Getting Started

Setting up a new group and need advice?

If you are looking to set up a new voluntary group, charitable organisation or social enterprise and want to know how to go about it, why not download this comprehensive 23 Page Getting Started Pack we have put together which highlights what you need to think about, and in what order. Simply fill out your details below and your PDF guide will automatically download. We also suggest you come and speak to us. Your first consultation is FREE.

If you then need further help we would ask you become a member of Hunts Forum. The membership gives you full access to the full range of support services, as well as training.

Want help to review your existing group and decide how best to move forward?

If you are an existing group and would like help to develop, by expanding your services or reviewing your governance and trustees, we can offer members a one-to-one support service to assess your needs.

What can we help with?

Are you struggling to grow your organisation, just existing or looking for funding for your new project? We can help by providing advice and guidance on:


Our funding section provides access to the latest grant bids and how to apply. We also provide a personalised funding search using our Grantfinder online programme.


Covering areas such as social media, websites, and dealing with the media. We provide training on basic charity marketing, see the Training and Events section for details of our training programmes.

Volunteer management

We have policies for recruiting and managing volunteers, see the Policies and Procedures section.


Take a look at the current training programme and book on courses or contact us to discuss your training requirements.

Policies and Procedures

Are you up to date with your policies? Take a look at the Policies and Procedures section for a comprehensive list to ensure compliance with the law and regulation.

For any further detail please contact us.