Grant from Huntingdonshire District Council enables community groups to offer health activities to residents
Funding and fundraising, NewsIn partnership with Huntingdonshire District Council (HDC), HemingfordHub…
Full Cost Recovery
Core costsPDF from The National Lottery explaining how your organisation can use full cost recovery to cover all of a project's costs.
How to cover core costs
Core costsIt is hard enough to raise project costs, let alone core costs, so what are the ways in which fundraising charities can tackle this successfully?
Failed Fundraising Appeals
Fundraising generalCharity Act 2022 changes affecting failed (and over successful) fundraising appeals
Video: Helping your charity understand full cost recovery
Core costs BCCE explain the concept of full cost recovery and why being able to get funding for core costs is vital to securing a charity’s future.
Video: 3 ways to be a more effective fundraiser
Fundraising platformsTed Talk from Kara Logan on fundraising tips and techniques to help your organisation.
Video: Find Your Funding Workshop
Funding application tipsA video workshop on how to use the Support Cambridgeshire idox funding search platform.
Charity Gift Aid Declaration – single donation
Gift AidCharity Gift Aid Declaration to be used for single donations
Charity Gift Aid Declaration – multiple donation
Gift AidCharity Gift Aid Declaration for multiple donations.
Registering for Gift Aid with HMRC
Gift AidThis guide gives you practical step-by-step instructions to register with HMRC to ensure you claim everything you're entitled to.