Running an effective board awayday top tips
Legal and Governance general, Members, Running a meeting-, Trustee informationDebra Allcock Tyler, CEO of Directory of Social Change (DSC),…
Paying Charity Trustees -what the rules are
Being a trusteeUnderstand the rules for making payments to trustees including trustee expenses
Video: The basics of being a Trustee
Being a trusteeA 1 hour long video covering the roles and responsibilities of trustees, charity lexicon and conflicts of interest.
Robert’s Rules of Order Minute Taking
Running a meeting-How to take minutes using RoD (Roberts Rules of Order)
A Guide to Chairing Meetings
Running a meeting-A 'Resource Centre' published guide to chairing meetings.
Charity Commission document Decision Making for Trustees
Running a meeting-It’s your decision: charity trustees and decision making
Trustee liability guide
Being a trusteeSummary of the potential personal liabilities associated with becoming the trustee of a charity
Tips for Trustees
Being a trustee8 ways to correct an imbalance of power on your board of trustees
Hunts Forum’s Brief Guide for Trustees
Being a trusteeA guide to what it means to be a trustee, the main responsibilities and liabilities with further reading links
How to make changes to your charity’s governing document
Code of conductWhen to change your charity’s governing document
Your charity’s…