Members Safeguarding

NSPCC Guide to keeping Children Safe in Voluntary and community groups

The NSPCC states that everyone has a responsibility to help keep…

Safeguarding Adults at Risk: NHS Pocket Guide

NHS 'pocket guide' to safeguarding adults at risk - covers the legislation which underpins safeguarding, types of abuse, your responsibilities, making a referral and more.

A Guide to Safer Recruitment for Charitable Organisations

This guide is to help charities establish reasonable and proportionate recruitment procedures and thereby discharge their duties under the Safeguarding Guidance.

Safeguarding for Community Volunteers

A guide to safeguarding for community volunteers including guidance on safeguarding children and adults.

Parish Council – Safeguarding Policy Template

A model Safeguarding Adults Policy for Parish Councils to use as reference.

Safeguarding Adults Policy Template

A template Safeguarding Adults Policy Voluntary and Community sector organisations to use.

Model Safeguarding Adults Policy and Procedure

Model Safeguarding Adults Policy and Procedure for Smaller Voluntary and Community Groups with irregular or limited contact with Adults at Risk.